Saturday, 28 November 2015

Dot and Dave

Say hello to Dot and Dave my two adorable if slightly dog like kitties!

Both female (yes Dave is a female) and they are 19 months old. Both identical, pure black cats bar white little markings under their chins. 

How did I end up with them? Well I found a page on facebook for our area (Nottingham) for cats that needed homes and we had always been in rented accomodation which didnt allow pets..but we had just purchased a house and I thought hey why not ring my partner and ask him tell him that we were getting a cat. It just so happened I visited and found two sisters and couldnt decide between them. 

They are the sweetest little things that love wotsits, belly rubs and miaow for a cuddle. Dot is fond of drinking out of the bathroom tap and sleeping in the sink and Dave is a fan of giving an evil stare and catching birds...and leaving them for us every single day!

Unfortunately they havent got the best immune system and frequently have to visit the vets, so thank goodness for pet insurance. 

I wouldnt change them for the world even if they do paw at the door to ask to come in.


© Confessions of A Cat Mother Maira Gall.